COVID-19 Relief programs-Sakshi NGO – Appreciation and Acknowledgement from Shri Manish Sisodia, Dy Chief Minister of Delhi NCR
The enormity of the tragedy in the wake of the global pandemic has left a devastating trail of impoverishment and deprivation. Our burning desire to help those in need met with the help of so many known and unknown faces. Our COVID RELIEF Program expands daily and adds new dimensions to the basic core as needs arise daily. In this direction, we received appreciation from SDM Elections & Nodal Officer for Food District South-East for SAKSHI NGO's work for Hunger Relief and all other aid to migrants during the COVID 19 Pandemic.
program to “educate underprivileged children” functioned continuously in these tough times of pandemic. We are
proud of our education program, teaching continues as SAKSHI education Centres
take education online for underprivileged children in jhuggis. For children
without recourse to mobile connectivity, SAKSHI education program staffers make
visits at home and teach the students at home while observing all precautions
for COVID 19 protocol.
During this Corona Pandemic, the first National Lockdown was announced on March 24, 2020, and we responded to the evident distress and panic of Migrant Workers immediately, starting the Relief program from March 26, the program shaped with each day of the crisis revealing more facets of the misery and economic suffering of the most vulnerable segments of our society. The destitute, daily wagers, and Migrant workers. We worked 24 hours a day in an effort to bring relief to as many as possible. Our work was our reward,
SAKSHI received recognition from Deputy CM, Manish Sisodia Ji's
office, appreciating SAKSHI’s contribution to the COVID 19 RELIEF Program in
Delhi. I received this acknowledgment on 2nd August with mixed
feelings of humility and gratitude. Though we worked whole-heartedly with no
thought of accolades or awards, yet an acknowledgment from the august office of
the Deputy C.M. of Delhi brings greater
encouragement and honor to all who worked for the HUNGER RELIEF of Migrant
Workers during the COVID-19 lockdown. It binds all who share a common purpose
of providing meaningful relief.
As we continue with the SAKSHI COVID 19 RELIEF PROGRAM, this
acknowledgment of our work reminds us that our work is truly making a
difference and spurs all involved in this work to greater efforts.
The SAKSHI COVID 19 RELIEF PROGRAM continues to shape and evolve as new challenges present themselves. Along with the Relief and Hunger Programs, we are now also adding a program for rehabilitation/livelihoods sustenance to support those who are rendered destitute and despairing.
We have refashioned our ongoing projects incorporating all
precautions and Govt. Directives for prevention of the spread of COVID19
We are conducting Awareness program for children of migrant workers and underprivileged communities. We focus on different topics as:
Precautions to stop the spread of coronavirus
Use of Hand sanitizers and soaps at a defined time interval
How to keep a check on hygiene in slum areas
Wearing masks or towel to cover mouth and nose
How to maintain social distance
· Why all these measures are essential
To contribute your part in COVID 19 relief program you can donate towards various programs for effective
movement of help works and also towards meals for underprivileged children.
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